Contributions and gifts to The CHAMPION Foundation may be designated as restricted or unrestricted. Restricted contributions are designated by the contributor and earmarked for a specific educational program. Unrestricted contributions are administered and disbursed as general purpose (unrestricted) income solely within the discretion and judgment of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. It may be directed to any purpose or program within the Foundation’s mission. These are often the most difficult funds to raise, yet the most crucial in meeting the many unforeseen challenges and opportunities faced by the Foundation.
An honor or memory gift is a meaningful way to honor someone special in your life while supporting the mission of The CHAMPION Foundation and our programs.
To make a donation in honor of someone else, please include a note at checkout that you would like to donate to us in honor or in memory of a loved one. The recipient details should be included for the acknowledgment letter, such as the First and Last Name of the recipient, mailing address with city and an optional personal message. (Note: The amount of the gift is not revealed.)